Your Hingham Home Improvement Contractor Can Help You Design the Perfect Front Door

Choose the right front door with the help of a home improvement contractor.

Your home improvement contractor can help you choose the right front door.

Curb appeal matters, impacting the overall attractiveness and even value of your home, making your choice in a front door an important one. However, security and function are also important considerations when choosing this door. If you are adding or remodeling a porch, updating an entryway or simply replacing a door that has seen better days, talk to your Hingham home improvement contractor about the best front door options for your home. That way, you’ll have a better chance of finding a door that is a great fit for you and your home.

Define Your Perfect

Some people find front doors with lots of glass attractive, perhaps having their eastern MA premier home remodeling team frame the front door with additional decorative glass panels set into the wall above and to either side of the door. They may use stained or frosted glass for both style and privacy or may just let the sun shine through. Others may frame the door with decorative glass, but prefer a solid wood or metal door without windows. Some use no glass at all, relying instead on decorative molding, stylish hardware and other accents or a distinctive door shape in a fine hard wood or use rich or vibrant colors to create visual appeal.

Style isn’t always the highest priority. Many people take a more utilitarian view of their front door, and consider strength and security to be the most important factors. They look at a glass door and see a security risk, the possibility of broken glass and unauthorized entry. For them, the perfect front door is heavy and strong, features top-quality locking mechanisms and is resistant to tampering. They may look toward reinforced steel cores and have less concern about color and style.

For others, the perfect front door is one that prioritizes function over fashion. They want a door that is well insulated and draft-free, helping to keep heating and cooling costs down. They may talk to their home improvement contractor in Hingham about adding a practical storm door to their front door for added protection against drafts in the winter with sturdy screens to let in cooling summer breezes. Their perfect front door is low maintenance, retaining its good looks without repainting every few years and resists stains, scratches and scuffs. A fiberglass door with a insulating foam core may best meet their front door priorities.

Choose a new front door for premier home remodeling.

Your front door is an important part of premier home remodeling.

Front Door Priorities

Decide what your top front door priorities are and ask your contractor for suggestions. Your contractor may be able to suggest a highly secure steel door that also offers an attractive style or recommend a door that offers red hot curb appeal but is also designed to provide a higher degree of security. You might just find the trendy, stylish front door you fell in love with is also designed with tight weatherization in mind.

Contact us to learn more about the different types of doors on the market and how to choose the front door that best meets your style, security and function priorities.