Tag: roofing contractors

When Is the Best Time for Roof Inspection and Replacement?

Hire roofing contractors to help with your roofing needs.

Roofing contractors can help you inspect your roof for damage.

Your roof is an important element of your home, ensuring stability and protecting the structure and your belongings from the elements. Because your roof is exposed to a lot of weather, especially during the cold winter months, it’s important to know when you should call roofing contractors in to inspect or possibly replace your roof. This home improvement project isn’t one many people look forward to, but it is a necessity for the sake of your home.

Regular Inspections

Many general contractors in Norwood, MA, recommend homeowners get at least one roof inspection each year to evaluate any damage. However, it can be useful to conduct this inspection twice a year to ensure all problems are identified at their earliest stages. If you choose to hire roofing contractors twice a year, spring and fall are the best times. This allows the contractor to look for seasonal damage and spreads inspections out far enough to capture new problems in their earliest stages to reduce the cost of any necessary repairs.

Reduce Unnecessary Replacement

When your roof is first installed, you will notice the roofing materials are rated to last a specified number of years. This length of time is based on proper care of your new roof. If you take this home improvement step and then fail to properly care for your roof, you will find you need to replace it more frequently than initially recommended. With careful inspection, your roofing contractors can determine when damage has occurred and often repair it without having to fully replace the roof. This will save you plenty of money over frequently replacing your entire roof.

Your next home improvement project may be your roof.

Your roof is an important aspect of home improvement.

Replacing Your Roof

While proper care can assist in extending the life of your roof, you will need to replace it eventually. General contractors in Norwood, MA, can help you determine when your roof would benefit from replacement versus continuing to repair it. They will weigh the pros and cons of continuing to maintain your current roof and purchasing replacement materials. Once your shingles have reached their expected lifespan, typically between 20 and 30 years, it’s best to choose new materials that will last another 20 to 30 years with the proper care.

Experienced roofing contractors have extensive experience helping homeowners make the right choices when it comes to their roofs. Getting regular inspections will ensure roofing materials are able to do their job and will reduce the chances of having to replace the entire roof too early. However, when replacement does become necessary, general contractors in Norwood, MA, can provide the assistance homeowners need to choose the right materials and then install them to enjoy a few more decades of an effective roof.

If you’re looking for experienced contractors to handle your roofing needs,contact us. Colony Home Improvement takes pride in helping homeowners make the right choices for their homes.