Tag: home improvement

When Is the Best Time for Roof Inspection and Replacement?

Hire roofing contractors to help with your roofing needs.

Roofing contractors can help you inspect your roof for damage.

Your roof is an important element of your home, ensuring stability and protecting the structure and your belongings from the elements. Because your roof is exposed to a lot of weather, especially during the cold winter months, it’s important to know when you should call roofing contractors in to inspect or possibly replace your roof. This home improvement project isn’t one many people look forward to, but it is a necessity for the sake of your home.

Regular Inspections

Many general contractors in Norwood, MA, recommend homeowners get at least one roof inspection each year to evaluate any damage. However, it can be useful to conduct this inspection twice a year to ensure all problems are identified at their earliest stages. If you choose to hire roofing contractors twice a year, spring and fall are the best times. This allows the contractor to look for seasonal damage and spreads inspections out far enough to capture new problems in their earliest stages to reduce the cost of any necessary repairs.

Reduce Unnecessary Replacement

When your roof is first installed, you will notice the roofing materials are rated to last a specified number of years. This length of time is based on proper care of your new roof. If you take this home improvement step and then fail to properly care for your roof, you will find you need to replace it more frequently than initially recommended. With careful inspection, your roofing contractors can determine when damage has occurred and often repair it without having to fully replace the roof. This will save you plenty of money over frequently replacing your entire roof.

Your next home improvement project may be your roof.

Your roof is an important aspect of home improvement.

Replacing Your Roof

While proper care can assist in extending the life of your roof, you will need to replace it eventually. General contractors in Norwood, MA, can help you determine when your roof would benefit from replacement versus continuing to repair it. They will weigh the pros and cons of continuing to maintain your current roof and purchasing replacement materials. Once your shingles have reached their expected lifespan, typically between 20 and 30 years, it’s best to choose new materials that will last another 20 to 30 years with the proper care.

Experienced roofing contractors have extensive experience helping homeowners make the right choices when it comes to their roofs. Getting regular inspections will ensure roofing materials are able to do their job and will reduce the chances of having to replace the entire roof too early. However, when replacement does become necessary, general contractors in Norwood, MA, can provide the assistance homeowners need to choose the right materials and then install them to enjoy a few more decades of an effective roof.

If you’re looking for experienced contractors to handle your roofing needs,contact us. Colony Home Improvement takes pride in helping homeowners make the right choices for their homes.

How to Stay Sane During Home Renovations

Your home construction project doesn't have to be stressful.

Learn how to relax during your home construction project.

Home improvement projects can be stressful. Eventually, cooler heads will prevail, but it’s easy to lose sight of that when you’re in the middle of a major remodel. Sometimes things don’t go as planned, and it can be easy to lose your cool, especially if your project takes longer than expected or if you have to spend more than you planned. Here are some tips to help you stay sane during your home construction project.

Hire the Best You Can Afford

While price is a major factor for renovation, don’t make it the only factor. The company with the lowest price may turn out to be the one with the unreliable crew that doesn’t show up on time, leaves early or leaves garbage on your property. You should check the references for any contractor you’re considering for home additions in MA. The budget electrician your low-priced contractor brings in may cut corners, which could be a nightmare if things go wrong.

Establish a Temporary Replacement Space

Taking your family out to eat for every meal, every day during your kitchen renovation will get old—and expensive—fast. If you’re going to be remodeling a heavily used room, such as the kitchen, you should set up an alternative to use while the room is out of commission. There are lots of small appliances you can easily put in another room like a microwave, hotplate, crock pot or toaster oven. You won’t have gourmet meals, but your budget, and likely your waistline, will thank you. Unfortunately, if you’re without a kitchen sink, you may need to wash dishes in the bathroom.

Plan your home improvement project to reduce stress.

Are you undertaking a home improvement project?

Accept the Mess

Even the most careful and considerate workmen can’t always help the dust and debris from home construction. Of course, they can prevent some debris from entering areas of your home that aren’t being worked on by using plastic sheets to cordon off the areas under construction. However, you will likely have to deal with your belongings being in disarray for a short time period. If you’re renovating the kitchen, you may have to remove everything from your kitchen cabinets and put the dishes in the dining room or bedroom. You may have to move all of your living room furniture into the garage while you install new floors. It’s best to be realistic about the mess and prepare yourself in advance to deal with some disorganization in your home.

Take a Vacation

You don’t need to run off to some exotic locale, though it’s a nice option if you have the time and the money. Moving out temporarily and staying in a local hotel can help preserve your sanity. The kids will most likely love the temporary digs, especially if it has amenities you don’t have at home like a swimming pool. If you can afford it or can get the hotel to upgrade you, try to stay in a suite. This way, the kids can have a separate bedroom and you can all avoid too much togetherness in a cramped hotel room.

If you are interested in home additions in MA, contact us. We can make your home improvement vision come to life and help keep you sane during the process.

Why You Should Invest in Curb Appeal Home Improvements

Learn how to boost your exterior curb appeal.

The exterior curb appeal is an important element for any home.

Are you wondering if you should invest in exterior curb appeal improvements? Unlike basic indoor renovations, adding those finishing touches to the exterior of your home can really boost its desirability. Before you begin making unnecessary home renovation updates, take a look at some of the most common curb appeal boosters.

Exterior Home Improvements That Boost Value

Paint Your Door: Painting your front door adds more exterior curb appeal points than you might think. If you have a white, taupe or even black door, chances are you are lacking some major oomph from the street. Popular door colors include red, dark grey, sage and even coral. All four of these colors are sophisticated, inviting and bold.

Plant Shrubs: Also known as hardscaping, trees and shrubs are the foundation for your front yard. Consider adding a few shrubs that frame the pathway to your front door. If you have poor soil conditions, you can add height and drama to your exterior by planting shrubs in large urns that flank the front door.

Landscape Lighting: Once you have a few shrubs or trees in place, landscape lighting will help boost your home’s curb appeal at night. Make sure the lighting directs toward your garden elements to enhance their placement and the architecture of your home.

Remove Eyesores: If you have an eyesore on your property, such as a fire hydrant or a utility box, there are home improvements you can still make to boost your home’s appeal. Contact your city and planning department to find out what restrictions you might have with fire hydrants. If possible, consider planting colorful flowers around the base of the hydrant to help it blend in. If you are trying to hide other eyesores, such as a utility box or an old tree stump, the same rules apply. Foundation plantings that disguise or minimize will serve as a pleasing distraction.

Increase curb appeal with home improvement projects.

The right home improvement projects will make your home more appealing.

Clean Your Gutters: Out with all those old leaves! Make sure your home is clean and presentable and looks maintained if you really want to boost its exterior curb appeal. Clean all debris from the home and make sure you trim tree branches as needed to open up your home’s architecture.

Pretty Windows: From the outside, elegant window coverings can really boost your home’s curb appeal. Don’t just settle on aluminum blinds. Purchase window coverings with a print or with tie backs so you can allow your home’s interior lights to glow softly through the curtains in the evening.

Make Your Exterior Inviting

Whether you are preparing your home for an anticipated sale or are fixing up a property you hope to live in for a while, you need to know why you should be investing in curb appeal improvements. While you may be convinced future buyers will fall in love with granite countertops or pedestal sinks in the bath, if you can’t get buyers in the door because your home doesn’t look appealing from the outside, it doesn’t really matter what resides behind that front door.

These simple home improvements offer the most bang for your buck and promise to beautify the exterior of your Massachusetts home. Contact us today for a free quote and a design consultation.

Home Improvements Can Save You Money During the Winter

Insulation is a home improvement project that keeps you warmer.

Installing more insulation is a great winter home improvement project.

Electricity bills can be brutal in the winter. From the up and down outdoor temps to the frigid drafts that can chill your home, keeping warm can be tricky on a budget. However, you can save energy and stay toasty at the same time this winter with these home improvement tips. Not only will you feel more at ease in your house, you won’t be shocked with high electric bills that can be overwhelming and cost-prohibitive.

Cutting Down on Drafts

Did you purchase an older home with single pane windows? Chances are you can feel the chill as the wind blows outside. The following simple home renovation ideas can really help you heat up your home without turning on the gas or electricity.

Seal Your Windows and Doors: Sealing your home’s windows and doors with a weather strip will help eliminate some of the hot air that escapes through small cracks around the frame. Easy to install, even for the novice, weather strips make sitting near a cold window a little more bearable.

Replace Windows: In addition to sealing window and door frames, replacing single pane windows with double panes will reduce your electricity bill and make your home’s heating system more efficient. Even if you can only replace one window at a time, you will be raising your home’s value with each so they are a small home renovation project that will payoff in the long run.

Add Curtains: Instead of hanging aluminum mini blinds, curtains and heavy draperies can cut down drafts. In addition, many people include the window coverings when they list their home for sale. This means if you select tasteful and elegant draperies, you will increase the desirability and perhaps resale value of your home.

If you don't have a fireplace, consider this home renovation.

Have you considered a fireplace as part of your home renovation?

Clean Your Fireplace: If you’re lucky enough to have a wood burning fireplace, make sure you get the flue cleaned every year. In addition, your fireplace or chimney may need tuckpointing. Ensuring the maintenance of your fireplace before running it all season will have it working its best. By making good use of your fireplace instead of turning up the thermostat, you could save on your electricity bill.

New Insulation: Is it time to add or replace the insulation in your home’s attic? Insulation keeps heat from escaping through the walls and the roof of your home. Consider adding padded insulation or spray foam insulation for sealing and filling small areas. A home improvement specialist can replace your insulation and help you cut down on your winter electrical bill.

Stay Cozy and Warm All Winter

In addition to these small improvements that might help you save money this winter, it’s important to remember you should always try to maintain a constant temperature in your home. Turning your furnace up and down makes it work harder than if it remains at a more consistent temperature. Find a comfortable settings for all the residents in your home and then keep it set there for greater efficiency.

Winter doesn’t have to own your pocketbook. Small changes in your home can help ensure you stay cozy without the extra costs of heating and electricity. Contact us today for a home renovation consultation in Massachusetts.

Getting Your Home Ready for the Winter Season

Protect your home for the winter with home improvement projects.

Certain home improvement projects protect your home for the winter.

When the weather gets cold, your home is put under additional stress that doesn’t exist with warmer temperatures. Before the temperatures really drop, it’s important to take the right home improvement steps to protect your home and decrease the amount of energy you need to use to heat your home. Here are some of the ways your Massachusetts home improvement contractor can help you prepare your home for winter.

Tune up Your Heating System

Your heating system stays dormant all summer long after working hard the previous winter. To ensure your furnace is operating at peak efficiency, make sure you schedule a tune up with your local heating and cooling technician. This will ensure your furnace is ready to keep your home warmer this winter.

Consider Your Windows

Older windows have a tendency to leak, allowing the warm air in your home to escape and the cold air to seep in. This causes you to spend more money on your heating bills. If you have older windows, it may be time to contact a Massachusetts home improvement contractor to go over the benefits of installing energy efficient windows instead. If you can’t afford new windows, use plastic or another sealant to plug up the leaks.

Keep your home cozy with home improvement projects.

Ask your home improvement contractor what you should do before winter hits.

Weatherproof Your Home

In addition to your windows, there are other ways your home could waste energy in the winter months. Doors are often a common culprit. If you can pass a dollar bill under your shut door, you may want to consider a replacement. In some situations, replacing the seal around the door can remedy the problem.

Clean out the Gutters

It may seem like cleaning out the gutters is unnecessary to protect your home this winter, but it’s never a good idea to allow dead leaves and debris to build up in your gutters. Cleaning them out will ensure melted snow can flow easily and will prevent the buildup of ice dams on the roof. Failure to prevent ice dams can result in serious damage that will require professional repair once warmer weather returns.

Pad Your Pipes

Another common energy drainer in your home is your pipes, especially those that are located close to outer walls. When hot water flows through cold pipes, the water will cool down as well, wasting the energy your water heater used to heat it up in the first place. Installing padding around your pipes will help hold the warmth in.

As the weather cools off, homeowners need to take the proper steps to ensure their home is ready for winter. Hiring a Massachusetts home improvement contractor to help you tackle some of these projects before winter sets in can help you reduce energy costs and the risk of needing repairs once spring arrives.

If you are looking for an experienced contractor to help you prepare for winter, contact us. Our Massachusetts home improvement company is ready to assist with all types of projects.