Consider lighting in your bathroom remodel.

How to Use Lighting to Elevate Your Bathroom

Lighting is one of the most essential elements in your bathroom remodel in Norwood. Because you spend time in your bathroom performing personal grooming, including brushing your hair and teeth, doing your makeup and hair and other activities, it’s important to be able to see well. In addition, bathrooms tend to be on the smaller side, which requires better lighting in order to lighten the room and make it seem larger than it is. When you go through bathroom renovations in Massachusetts, follow these tips for using the right lighting to achieve your goals.

Start at the Top

If you look at many bathrooms, there are several types of lighting present. The key is determining how to get it all to work together. The first step is to start from the top and work your way down. First, choose the ceiling lighting. This should illuminate much of the bathroom and serve as the base for your lighting. Next, move on to the mirror lighting over the vanity. This lighting should be the right hue to ensure you get a natural look as you apply makeup and perform other grooming tasks. This lighting has a specific purpose. Finally, look at the areas of the bathroom that could use a little extra lighting and talk to your contractors about how to fill in those dark spots.

Clean and Bright

As you choose the right lighting for your bathroom renovations in Norwood, it’s important to keep the look clean and bright. Bright, natural lighting in your bathroom can help you better achieve your grooming goals. When you take the time to choose the right lighting for your home, you create the right atmosphere for this room, ensuring a relaxing spa feel.

Bathroom renovations need good lighting.

Lighting can make all the difference in bathroom renovations.

Consider a Dimmer

While it’s beneficial to keep lighting clean and bright so you can see well enough to perform your grooming activities, there are times when the brightness may be too much. For instance, if you wake up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night or you’re soaking in your tub and just want to relax, you don’t want to be blasted with bright lights. In these situations, installing a dimmer switch in your bathroom can be an excellent option. You will be able to select the exact brightness to meet your needs so you can create the precise atmosphere you need at any given moment.

Use LED Lights

While LED lights are still relatively new and may cost more than other types of lights, it can be a money saver in the end. In addition, your bathroom renovations in Massachusetts will be more environmentally friendly. These lights offer the precise kind of lighting you need without using too much energy, helping you lower your utility bills. You will also save money on lightbulbs because LED bulbs burn much longer before they burn out.

If you’re interested in a bathroom remodel in Norwood, contact us. We can help you choose the right lighting to achieve the effects you’re looking for.