Home Improvement Blog

Add value to your home with a garage addition.
garage remodeling, home additions

Is a Dover, MA, Garage Addition Worth the Investment?

One of the main considerations of any remodeling project is its potential return on investment (ROI). Typically, when homeowners think about remodeling, they think about bathrooms, kitchens and second stories. However, the most popular home remodel in Dover and the surrounding towns is often a garage addition. There’s a compelling reason for that. Typically the ROI on a new garage is about 64 percent. That’s higher than the typical ROI on a new bathroom, which is about 56 percent.

Why a Garage Addition Is a Smart Addition

If you’ll park your cars in your new garage, they will be protected from the elements and out of sight for potential criminals. In other words, your garage could save you money on repairs or insurance claims. Additionally, by having the space to store tall ladders, wheelbarrows, lawn mowers and other bulky equipment and tools, it’s likely you’ll be more inspired to tackle your own yard work and maintenance projects rather than hiring a contractor. This can save you significant money over time. Likewise, having a place to store clutter where it’s out of sight and protected is priceless.

Your home improvement plans can include a garage addition.

Consider a garage for your home improvement plans.

What to Consider When Adding a Garage

Before you begin vetting eastern MA premier home builders for your Dover, MA, garage addition project, you’ll need to make some important decisions about the scope of your project. Specifically, if you will be parking cars in the garage, how many will there be? Do you wish to attach the garage to your home or create a free-standing model? A detached garage usually costs less, but you may want the convenience of being able to enter your home through the garage on snowy or rainy days. What will you use the garage for, such as storage or as a work area? Do you want a no-frills manual garage door or an electric door? Do you wish to add extras like plumbing? Before you proceed, narrow your wish list so your contractor can give you an accurate cost estimate and time frame.

Choose a Contractor Experienced in Southeastern MA Home Improvement Plans

Before beginning your project, do your research and find a contractor who is experienced with local regulations and the local architectural style. For any home improvement project to be successful, it needs to blend seamlessly with your existing home and fit in with the rest of the neighborhood. Choose the right partner, and you can proceed with confidence and the expectation your new garage addition not only will be a smart investment, but will add storage space, functionality and resale value to your home. If you are ready to move forward with a garage addition, contact us at Colony Home Improvement. We can help you draft plans and complete the job on time, on budget and with beautiful results.

Consider new windows in your home improvement.
home additions, replacement windows

Your Brookline, MA, Home Addition Should Include Energy Efficient Windows

There are many benefits associated with pursuing a home addition. You’ll be appending square footage to your home, adding glorious living space and increasing your home’s resale value. You’ll also have an ideal opportunity to incorporate upgrades that make your home more energy efficient and comfortable. If your Brookline, MA, home improvement project includes windows, make sure you choose energy efficient models. Fortunately, you can find both replacement windows and window restorations that are energy efficient.

To Repair or To Replace: That Is the Question

When you are conducting a home addition, you can often salvage and reuse components to save money and reduce waste. When considering whether to reuse or replace your windows, ask yourself:

  • How well have the existing windows been maintained?
  • Do you love the look of the windows, are you indifferent to them or do you hate them?
  • How rare are the existing windows?
  • Are your existing windows weather-tight and hearty or do they let in moisture?
  • What is the condition of the panes and the frames?

As you contemplate these questions, you’ll likely see a pattern in your answers. If the pattern points toward the negative, replacing your windows may be quicker and more cost effective than trying to salvage them. On the other hand, there is no substitute for old-world craftsmanship and simple historic value. If your complaints about your existing windows are minor, why not try to salvage them and add energy-efficient features that will serve you and future owners for decades to come?

Your ranch style house plan should include new windows.

Add new windows to your ranch style house plan.

Why Opt for Energy Efficient Windows?

Whether you are interested in saving money on your utility bills or being eco-friendly by reducing unneeded greenhouse emissions, your windows can further your goals. Most homeowners have no idea loss of heat through windows accounts for 20 percent of a home’s energy leaks. That may not sound like a big deal, but do the math over the course of a year and you’ll realize it most certainly is a problem. Energy efficient windows can have a huge impact on your bottom line and comfort, as well as the environment.

Consider the Size and Age of Your Existing Windows

Many, but not all, southeastern MA premier home remodeling and additions involve homes that are a century or more years old or nearing that milestone.  Many older homes have leaded or even stained-glass windows that often are non-standard in size. Decades ago, home components, including windows, were custom built, rather than mass-produced. If your home is an older Brookline, MA, ranch style house plan or prairie, tudor, Federal or Spanish Colonial plan with one-of-a-kind windows, energy efficient restorations will provide cost savings and comfort while protecting your home’s architectural integrity.

Whether you need a custom built floor plan in Brookline, MA, or a skilled home improvement contractor to bring your plans to life, contact us at Colony Home Improvement. We are the smart, reliable, professional choice to conduct your southeastern Massachusetts home improvement project.

Introduce natural light with a dormer addition.
home additions, home renovations

Southeastern MA Home Improvement Contractors Help You Choose the Best Lighting for a Dormer Addition

Is your family outgrowing your home but reluctant to move because you love your home and neighborhood? Are you looking for a way to add some pizzazz to your home with a unique and eye-catching home addition? As many residents of have discovered, a Duxbury dormer addition not only makes a home more spacious and attractive, but it adds significant value you’ll appreciate when you do decide it’s time to sell your home. There is one important caveat to consider before you get started. Make sure the southeastern MA home improvement contractors you get bids from have specific expertise in room addition floor plans in Duxbury and the surrounding areas.

Let There Be Light

Besides creating space, a smartly designed dormer addition will bathe your space in the ideal amount of light. Choosing the right windows is critical to the aesthetic appeal and practicality of your dormer. Lighting is powerful in an understated way. You probably don’t think much about it, but the lighting you choose can affect your mood, productivity and energy level.

A skilled home improvement contractor will consider such factors as what direction your home faces and what the view will be from the dormer windows. The windows that will work best for a dormer that will face the windows of your neighbor’s bedroom, will be different than the windows you’ll choose if your dormer will face your lovingly maintained garden. Your contractor should also discuss how you plan to use the space so he can suggest windows that deliver the right degree of lighting.

Design your dormer addition with the help of home improvement contractors.

Home improvement contractors help you design your dormer.

A Successful Dormer Addition Has Aesthetic Balance

Besides the amount of light dormer windows bring in and what the view from those windows is, an experienced contractor will make sure the new windows are proportional to those in the rest of the house. For a seamless look, the size and shape of the windows for the addition should blend well with the other windows in the home. Additionally, the entire addition should fit in with the look of homes in the rest of the neighborhood. Otherwise, it could actually decrease rather than increase resale value.

A Pro Will Check the Codes

Believe it or not, some inexperienced home improvement contractors fail to check with city officials to make sure there are no historic district restrictions, height restrictions or local building codes. Make certain the contractor you choose is diligent and experienced.

If you’re contemplating a dormer addition or any other home improvement project, contact us at Colony Home Improvement. We provide skilled, professional home improvement in Duxbury and throughout southeastern MA. We’ve helped many local home owners upgrade their spaces beautifully, and we’d love to do the same for you.

A second story addition requires careful planning.
2nd floor addition, home additions

Evaluating Your Ranch-Style Home for a Second Story Addition in Hingham

There are several reasons homeowners decide on a second story addition in Hingham. Sometimes it’s about creating additional space, and it can add to the value of your home. Adding a second story is a huge project and deserves plenty of consideration. Here are a few things to think about before you begin your addition.

Consider Your Local Building Codes and Restrictions

Even though you’ve decided you are ready to build a second story addition in Hingham, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the local ordinances and building codes. Building a second story is a major project, and it’s important to know if you are going to face any obstacles before you get started. In some instances, utility companies can have pre-established right-of-ways on your property. This could cause a problem when building a large structure. If a second story addition violates any building regulations, you may end up paying high fines or even need to remove the work you’ve completed. It’s important to know about these and other possible restrictions before starting the project.

Consider a second story in your custom build floor plan.

A custom build floor plan can include a second story.

Consider Your Neighborhood

As much as we hate to compare ourselves with others, in this situation it’s best to see how your Hingham home addition compares to other homes in your neighborhood. Take a look at how your house compares with others size-wise and aesthetically, as well as check out the various features. Will your second story addition in Hingham make your house stand out from the rest of the homes? If it is not complementary of the rest of the area, it can affect its resale value if you decide to sell later on. Check with the tax assessor’s office or website where you’ll find information on property values in the area. This can also give you an indication of how an addition might raise your taxes.

Consider Your House and Property

Take a good look at your home as it is and see if you can identify any barriers like trees or landscape features. How is the Hingham home addition going to affect how people enter or exit the dwelling? How will the new rooms affect the flow of traffic inside the house? When you work with a professional to develop a custom build floor plan in Hingham, MA, these are things you should have already decided. Will you be adding an additional exit and how will it affect outdoor features, such as a patio or deck? Discuss any structural concerns you may have with your contractor.

We are your southeastern MA premier home remodeling and additions contractor. Contact us to help guide you through the process of building an addition on your home.

Create a relaxing space with a bathroom addition.
bathroom addition, home additions

Questions You Should Ask Before Starting Your Needham Bathroom Addition

Once you make the decision to add another bathroom to your house, you may think the decision process is over. In reality, it has just begun. Before you call your eastern MA home improvement contractor, there are a lot of questions you should have already asked and answered for yourself. Once you are sure of the details, it will be easier to get the Needham bathroom addition completed just like you want. Ask yourself these questions so you can better explain what you want to the contractor.

What Features Are Needs and Which Ones Are Wants?

Some bathroom items are nonnegotiable, such as the sink, toilet and lighting. You may choose different styles for these items, but they are permanent fixtures. The size of the bathroom will have a lot to do with the things you add above and beyond these features. You will probably want to include cabinets, which can be designed based on the available space. If your Needham bathroom addition is upstairs, you may want more cabinet space, whereas a smaller bathroom for guests may not require as much storage space. Make a list of what you really need in the bathroom, and then make a list of what you want. When it comes down to building the addition, it can be a great help if you know what you really require and what you can do without.

Make sure your custom built floor plan includes a functional bathroom.

A custom built floor plan should include a functional bathroom.

What Is the Primary Function of the New Bathroom?

There is of course, an obvious answer to this question. Bathrooms are unique and can serve a variety of useful purposes. For instance, a centrally located bathroom might be used by family members for quick showers, brushing your teeth and hurrying out the door. Some bathrooms are more secluded and used for long soaking baths with candles and soft music. Another factor can be the age of those using a particular bathroom. Small children will have different needs from teens or the elderly. Considering these factors will help you get the right bathroom design.

Should I Choose Energy Efficient Features?

It’s good to go green for the sake of the environment, but it can also be beneficial for your budget in the long run. Discuss using energy-efficient toilets, shower heads and faucets to save on your water bill. You might even consider using a tankless water heater, which can save on your energy bill as well.

Do I Need to Have Ventilation?

If you want to protect your home and bathroom from mold and mildew, it’s a good idea to include ventilation in your plans. Discuss its installation with your eastern MA home improvement contractor. He will know what size you need, depending on the size and style of bathroom you are adding.

Are you ready to see a Needham custom built floor plan for your bathroom addition? Contact us today to discuss the features you want included in your bathroom addition.